Private Placement Investments In Real Estate

What Is a Private Placement and Why It Matters for Real Estate Investments

A private placement is an investment opportunity where investors participate in a deal arranged by a sponsor. It’s a way to raise money without making a public offer and is often used by startups and real estate syndicators. Depending on the investment, both accredited and non-accredited investors can pool their money to fund specific projects.

While "private placement" can refer to various investments, it's commonly used in real estate to buy properties like apartment buildings, office spaces, retail centers, mobile home parks, self-storage units, and more.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Investing with the Sponsor Team: When you invest in a private placement, you are investing alongside the sponsor team, which manages the property. The success of your investment largely depends on the expertise of this team. If the sponsor lacks experience, the investment carries more risk. It’s crucial to choose a sponsor with a proven track record in managing the type of property you’re investing in to minimize your risk.

  2. Private Nature of the Investment: Private placements are not available to the general public. Only investors with a relationship or connection to the sponsor team can access these deals. This exclusivity means that you’re typically investing in opportunities that are not widely advertised.

  3. Participation in Larger Deals: Private placements allow individual investors to take part in larger investments. For example, you might invest $50,000 or $100,000 in a deal worth $4 million. The sponsor pools funds from multiple investors, giving you access to bigger opportunities and diversification without needing to become an expert yourself.

  4. Creative Structuring: As long as private placements comply with state and federal regulations, the sponsor and investors can structure the deal in various ways to benefit everyone involved. This flexibility can help maximize the value of the transaction.

Key Terms in Private Placements

Understanding these terms can help you navigate private placements better:

  • Sponsor: Also known as a syndicator or general partner, this is the team responsible for organizing and managing the investment.

  • Investment Summary: This document provides detailed information about the deal, including the participants, agreement terms, projected returns, market analysis, and financial details. It helps potential investors decide if the investment meets their goals.

  • Private Placement Memorandum (PPM): This legal document contains important details about the investment, including risks and other required information. It’s essential to read and understand this document before committing to a private placement.

  • Accredited Investor: These are experienced investors who meet specific criteria set by the government. They might need verification from a qualified professional, like a Certified Public Accountant. To be accredited, an investor usually needs to meet at least one of these criteria:

    • Net worth exceeding $1 million (excluding their primary residence).

    • Annual income of at least $200,000 for the past two years, with the expectation of earning the same amount this year. For couples, the total must be $300,000 per year.

  • Non-Accredited Investor: Also called sophisticated investors, these individuals typically have less investment experience. Because their investments might constitute a larger portion of their income or net worth, they face higher risk if the investment doesn’t perform as expected.


A private placement is a direct investment opportunity in real estate or other sectors, managed by an experienced sponsor team. As a passive investor, you provide capital but don’t manage the project. Private placements offer a way to diversify beyond traditional stocks and bonds, but they require some level of financial understanding and are not open to everyone.

To explore private placement opportunities and learn more about how we handle these investments, schedule a call today or fill out our investor form. We’ll reach out to provide you with more information.

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